What I Offer as a Designer


I strongly believe that when approaching ANYTHING with a great and positive attitude can make the process run smoother. It puts my client at ease and it makes my creativity grow stronger, providing a diverse range of outcomes and ideas. 


Whether it is through text, email, phone calls, or face to face, I like to create an open flow of communication where my client and I can speak and discuss edits, changes, and opinions. I want my client to be honest with me, after all, I do not want anyone to have a logo that they don’t believe represents their brand well. Through this great communication, I believe we can both get to an end result faster, and more effectively. 

Variety of options

With me, you’re not getting 1 design. With me, you’re not getting all similar designs. I try to approach the client's idea and concept in multiple ways to result in providing the client with options to choose from. Providing options my client can know what works and what doesn’t for them and their brand.

Design Process

Research. Research. Research. Designs become stronger when prior research is done prior. To understand and create it effectively for its purpose, designers must research and dig into the history / purpose of the design. With proper research the designer and client can get to their end goal faster. 

99% of the time, the first idea is not going to be the best. I tend to build and branch off my original idea to add more of a variety of options for the client to look at. This is ALWAYS done on paper. I find my creativity can expands quicker when I have a pen to paper.  The more ideas I put down on paper to more ready I feel prior to moving forward. 

Once I narrow my sketches down to at least 3 I move my sketches over to the computer. On the computer I can start the application of color and type. 

Once I have some designs I’m a strong believer I can not finalized until it is printed or used it in a form of application. I also like to have other opinions and consider the audience and how they can read and understand the design of the options. 

Based on the feedback and how well it is printed I repeat the process of editing, printing, testing and conferring with the audience as well as the client. 

Service Agreement

My Service Agreement is currently in the works and will be coming soon! Thank you so much for being patient. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out and contact me! 

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