Academic Assignment — Brand Identity 310
Just imagine being able to travel back in time! Time Travel package holidays allow you to do just that. You pick the year and travel back to experience whatever you want: Woodstock, the first-ever Olympics, the first Viking invasion, the fall of the Roman Empire. You can go as far back as you want. Of course, you can’t change history, only travel and see. But how do you sell it?
You name it. Brand it. Sell it. You must produce the travel company logo with a travel digital brochure and travel documentation. This includes a ticket (designs should include icons relevant to the event and repeat pattern backgrounds where necessary). In addition, you should use any media you feel appropriate. For example, a website, packaging, an app, short film, any promotional material, stationery and merchandise, print or digital.
The research consisted of:
- The historical event that you have chosen
- Travel company’s websites and their branding and promotional items
- Transport company branding and logos
- The science behind the idea of time travel
- Current logos and branding examples
- Appropriate stationery and promotional items
Light takes time to travel from one place to another —– See objects not as they are now but as they were at THAT TIME when they released light that has traveled across the universe to us.
Get a telescope and switch the dial to date and it’ll show you through the lens. Each dial is set for a certain event/ date and time (as if it was burned into a CD.)
To use Telesight again for a different time/place you must buy a new dial and reattach it. You can reuse dials you have in your possession.
The dials are preset in the Telesight Collective Workshop to the date, time, and location of your event. the viewer sees the event not as they are now but as they were at THAT TIME when they released light that has traveled across the universe to us today.